Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Ok srsly...(with a long rant on politics)

Fuck weddings. And wedding planning. I have my dress, I have the rings, I have these really cute Save the Date magnets I want to send out... But do I HAFTA?! I feel like I have to put on this huge show for people and spend a stupid amount of money and just end up not having fun at all. Whine whine whine.
On a totally sidetracked note.
Politics. I don't frickin get it. Driving into work today there were protesters on the street corner with either pro-life or pro-choice signs. (I was firstly annoyed because they were taking up all the extremely limited parking at work.) Now, from my very limited knowledge of the two main political parties, Republicans tend to be pro-life and Democrats tend to be pro-choice. Republicans also tend to be anti-welfare whereas Democrats are more likely to set up systems for the needy. Once again...the keyword here is TEND. As in , "vast majority".
So can someone please explain to me why a bunch of people want to bring babies into this world, have them born to needy families, then let them starve to death and not get proper education? Or have equal opportunities?
If someone can please explain the logic of this, let me know.
(For the record, I'm pro-choice and anti-giving-money-to-people-who-don't-deserve-it...very broad category...and no, the pro-choice has nothing to do with religion. At. All. I just don't believe I should be the one to judge another's life and force them into things. That is between them and whichever god they choose to, or not to, worship.)

/end rant

OH! On a lighter note, there's a chupacabra in the hallway.

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