Saturday, March 20, 2010

Morning experiments in the kitchen

I experiment regularly in the kitchen. Mostly because I actually don't really know how to cook. I typically throw something together and cross my fingers it doesn't 1) burn the house down and 2) taste like dog food. The dogs agree on this. They prefer people food.

This morning, before I even managed to drink any coffee, I was up attempting to cook corned beef hash for the first time. Since St. Patrick's Day had just passed I seemed to be in possession of some left over corned beef items. Naturally, I googled first how to do this experiment and chose my favorite sci-chef, Alton Brown. I copied down the basics and got started (I have real bad issues following a recipe completely. That would be why I fail at baking a lot of the time).

The experiment cooking:

It might not look like more than dog food. But I assure you, it was tasty.

In other news, The Surprise yesterday was a) not DISNEY WORLD and b) NOT A GRYPHON was c) dumplings. More specifically it was FB and Kewkie taking me to lunch at the Dragon Gourmet Buffet, a china buffet (cheena buff-it) about 20 minutes away. The added bonus of this particular buffet is they have dumplings and steamed pork buns and all other sorts of items that aren't typical for a buffet down here. So yes, I ate a lot of dumplings. I left there feeling like a dumpling. By the time I was hungry again it was midnight so I went to bed instead of devouring any more food.
Which might explain why I woke up at 8am to experiment in the kitchen. Hrmph.

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